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We wanna thank you. ❤

Posted by Tony Bitner on

Thank you for being a friend. Traveled down a road and back again. Your heart is true ... (Sing it with us).

Refer a friend, get $5 off.

Hello Rusty Dog Coffee pals and confidants, 

We want to thank you for being a friend. Here’s an update on what we’re doing as we all travel down the COVID-19 road. We're donating coffee - help us find out who needs it! And we’re offering a new $5 offer just for friends like you. 

During the first weeks of Wisconsin's Safer at Home guidelines, we decided to donate a portion of sales to help our community. Thanks to your generous support, we were able to donate 10% of last month’s online coffee sales to the United Way Dane County COVID-19 Emergency and Recovery Fund. We also launched more ways to subscribe online & get fresh coffee to you, which you can read about here

Here’s what we’re doing next: We’re giving free coffee directly to the people who need it. Tell us who you'd like us to give it too! Who needs a good cup of coffee more than a clinician at a local respiratory clinic, a CNA, police officer, or EMT volunteer? Our new “Community Blend" coffee is a special blend created just for COVID-19 helpers. We’re donating it to first-responders and health care workers in the south central Wisconsin area. And we asked our kids to make drawings for the bag labels, which we happen to think turned out pretty adorable. So if you know of a local health care testing lab, a clinic, hospital, or a emergency services department who could use a bulk 5 lb. bag of great, free coffee, please send us a note and let us know how to reach them. (Note: For better or worse, lots of work places have K-cup machines. We don’t package coffee for that brewing method. Please ask first if they have drip coffee machines. Thanks!)

What we’re doing for you: Starting today, we are giving return customers a $5 gift code every time they recommend a friend to buy some coffee or tea from our website. It’s pretty simple, we think: Just tell your friend (who has not ordered before) to buy online and type your name in the notes section before check-out. Then, we’ll email you the $5 gift code! You can use it for anything in our online shop - coffee, tea, t-shirts, mugs, water bottles, coffee grinders, and more. Also, there's no limit to the amount of gift cards we'll give you! 

Remember: Tell us who could use a free bag of Community Blend coffee. And tell a friend to order from RDC and you'll get $5 off. 

Cheers to you!

Manny, Tom, and Tony
Rust Dog Coffee and 6&12 Tea Co. 

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